The CloudFormation stack orchestrates the creation of a comprehensive infrastructure to support the deployment and operation of the Datrics application on the AWS platform. The stack encompasses various components, including VPC, gateways, subnets, load balancers, security groups, autoscaling group, and data persistence mechanisms.

Infrastructure Components
The CloudFormation stack provisions the following key components:
- Virtual Private Cloud (VPC): A dedicated virtual network environment is created to isolate and manage the Datrics resources effectively.
- Internet and NAT Gateways: The stack sets up Internet and NAT gateways to facilitate network connectivity for the Datrics application.
- Public and Private Subnets: Public and private subnets are established to segregate the infrastructure components. The public subnet hosts an Application Load Balancer (ALB) secured by a dedicated security group. The ALB efficiently directs incoming traffic to the Datrics instance residing in the private subnet. The Datrics instance has its own security group to enforce access controls.
- Auto Scaling Group with Launch Template: The Datrics instance is launched using a customizable launch template, which includes the necessary Amazon Machine Image (AMI) and associated configurations. An Auto Scaling Group (ASG) manages the instances, ensuring availability.
- Data Persistence: The Datrics application stores data on an encrypted Elastic Block Store (EBS) volume. The stack configures a lifecycle policy to create regular snapshots of the EBS volume, ensuring reliable data backups. Additionally, the stack creates the required IAM roles to enable the attachment of a volume and the creation of snapshots.
- Load Balancer and DNS Configuration: The Datrics application exposes several services, which are efficiently handled by the ALB. A set of A records, acting as aliases for the load balancer, are created in a hosted zone. This hosted zone should be established before applying the CloudFormation stack. The A records are secured by SSL certificates, ensuring secure communication between clients and the Datrics service.
Overall, the CloudFormation stack provisions a robust and secure infrastructure that enables data persistence and reliable service availability for the Datrics application.