Prerequisites: you should be an administrator in your Slack workspace
- Open Slack
- Click on the name of your workspace in the top left corner ⇒ Tools & Settings ⇒ Manage apps

- In workspace management, click on Installed Apps then Build in the top right corner.

- Create New App

- Choose From manifest and select your workspace

- Then in Datrics AI Analyst, copy the manifest.json and paste it into Slack settings

- When the Slack app is created, open Settings ⇒ Basic Information, and copy values of Client Id, Client Secret, and Signing Secret into correspondent fields in Datrics.

- Click on Connect AI Analyst in Slack
- In Settings of the Slack App click on Features ⇒ Event Subscriptions
- Make sure that “Enable events” is turned on and Request URL is verified

Congratulations, now you can use Datrics AI Analyst is Slack!