Custom Code Usage - Text Classification

Custom Code Usage - Text Classification


Pipeline for demonstration of the Datrics abilities to customize any intellectual data analysis solution via including bricks with custom code. The proposed solution can be used as a part of the Customer Support System - automatic detection of the customers' claims categories at the first-line support stage.

Problem Statement

Categorization of the customers' complaints received about financial products and services.


Subsampling form Customer Complaints public dataset, which contains 3473 records with customers messages accompanied by corresponded topic of compline - product/service.
Data Description
Complaint category, which should be recognised - 16 unique classes
Textual message that contains the detailed description of the customer complaint regarding specific product or service

Target Variable

  • Product

Data Analysis Scenario

General Schema of the Customer Comments Categorization can be depicted in diagram:
notion image
  1. All comments are divided into two subgroups with respect to the output classes distribution
  1. For the comments in the train set the Text processing pipeline is created:
    1. Text Cleansing and Normalisation
    2. Text Vectorizer (Words Count and TF-IDF index)
    3. Multiclass classifier (Multinomial Naive Bayes Classifier, that is appropriate for sparse data)
  1. Model Applying for new data (Test set)
  1. Model Perfomance Assessment

Datrics Pipeline

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Datrics Custom Code Bricks

In order to implement the presented schema in Datrics we have prepared some custom bricks:

Text Classifier

Text Classification Pipeline- train Text Classification Pipeline, which includes countVectorizer, tfidfTransformer and Multinominal Naive Bayes Classifier.


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  • Dataset with Comments (input)
  • Categories (output)


  • Text Classification Pipeline (model)


{"comments":"Consumer Complaint", "categories":"Product"}

Arguments Validation

def validate_args(self, args): import json def is_json(myjson): try: json_object = json.loads(myjson) except ValueError as e: return False return True if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'value', self.messages): if (not is_json(self.args['value'])) and (not self.args['value']=="\n"): self.messages.append("Incorrect format of arguments") return True else: return True return True

Inputs Validation

def validate_inputs(self): check_number_of_inputs(self, 1) if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'value', self.messages): if not self.args['value']=="\n": df = self.get_input_by_index(0).value if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'comments', self.messages): if self.args['comments'] not in df.columns: self.messages.append('Column '+self.args['comments']+" is absent") if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'categories', self.messages): if self.args['categories'] not in df.columns: self.messages.append('Column '+self.args['categories']+" is absent") return len(self.messages) == 0


def perform_execution(self, ctx: ExecutionContext): from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import CountVectorizer from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfTransformer from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB from sklearn.utils.class_weight import compute_class_weight, compute_sample_weight from sklearn.metrics import classification_report from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline try: df = self.get_input_by_index(0).value comments = df[self.args['comments']] categories = df[self.args['categories']] pipe = Pipeline([('vect',CountVectorizer(stop_words='english', ngram_range=(1,1))), ('tfidf', TfidfTransformer()), ('clf', MultinomialNB())]) sw = compute_sample_weight('balanced',categories), categories, clf__sample_weight=sw) pred = pipe.predict(comments) self.fill_outputs_by_type_with_value('model', pipe) self.status = BrickStatus.SUCCESS except: self.status = BrickStatus.FAILED self.messages.append("Can't train the model")

Recognize Text Category

RecognizeText Categories - recognize the categories of the provided comments.


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  • Dataset with Comments (input)
  • Categories (optional)


  • Dataset with predicted categories
  • Metrics (if categories were provided)


{"comments":"Consumer Complaint", "categories":"Product"} //Optional

Arguments Validation

def validate_args(self, args): import json def is_json(myjson): try: json_object = json.loads(myjson) except ValueError as e: return False return True if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'value', self.messages): if (not is_json(self.args['value'])) and (not self.args['value']=="\n"): self.messages.append("Incorrect format of arguments") return True else: return True return True

Inputs Validation

def validate_inputs(self): check_number_of_inputs(self, 2) if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'value', self.messages): if not self.args['value']=="\n": df = self.get_input_by_type('data').value if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'comments', self.messages): if self.args['comments'] not in df.columns: self.messages.append('Column '+self.args['comments']+" is absent") if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'categories', None): if self.args['categories'] not in df.columns: self.messages.append('Column '+self.args['categories']+" is absent") return len(self.messages) == 0


def perform_execution(self, ctx: ExecutionContext): from sklearn.metrics import classification_report try: df = self.get_input_by_type('data').value pipe = self.get_input_by_type('model').value comments = df[self.args['comments']] if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'categories', None): categories = df[self.args['categories']] pred = pipe.predict(comments) if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'categories', None): metrics = classification_report(categories, pred, output_dict=True) metrics = pandas.DataFrame(metrics) metrics = metrics.transpose() metrics = metrics.reset_index() df['predicted_category'] = pred self.fill_outputs_by_name_with_value('data', df) if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'categories', None): self.fill_outputs_by_name_with_value('metrics', metrics) self.status = BrickStatus.SUCCESS except: self.status = BrickStatus.FAILED self.messages.append("Can't make a prediction")


Cross Tabulation - simple cross-tabulation of two factors


notion image


  • Dateset with expected and recognised categories


  • Cross-tabulation matrix


{"X":"Product", "Y":"predicted_category"}

Arguments Validation

def validate_args(self, args): import json def is_json(myjson): try: json_object = json.loads(myjson) except ValueError as e: return False return True if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'value', self.messages): if (not is_json(self.args['value'])) and (not self.args['value']=="\n"): self.messages.append("Incorrect format of arguments") return True else: return True return True

Inputs Validation

def validate_inputs(self): check_number_of_inputs(self, 1) if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'value', None): if not self.args['value']=="\n": df = self.get_input_by_index(0).value if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'X', self.messages): if self.args['X'] not in df.columns: self.messages.append('Column '+self.args['X']+" is absent") if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'Y', self.messages): if self.args['Y'] not in df.columns: self.messages.append('Column '+self.args['Y']+" is absent") return len(self.messages) == 0


def perform_execution(self, ctx: ExecutionContext): try: df = self.get_input_by_index(0).value X = df[self.args['X']] Y = df[self.args['Y']] res = pandas.crosstab(X,Y) res = res.reset_index() self.fill_outputs_by_type_with_value('data', res) self.status = BrickStatus.SUCCESS except: self.status = BrickStatus.FAILED

Output View

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Classification Report

Classification Report - table with classification metrics for each class - precision, recall, f1-score and accuracy.


notion image


  • Dateset with expected and recognised categories


  • Classification report table


{"X":"Product", "Y":"predicted_category"}

Arguments Validation

def validate_args(self, args): import json def is_json(myjson): try: json_object = json.loads(myjson) except ValueError as e: return False return True if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'value', self.messages): if (not is_json(self.args['value'])) and (not self.args['value']=="\n"): self.messages.append("Incorrect format of arguments") return True else: return True return True

Inputs Validation

def validate_inputs(self): check_number_of_inputs(self, 1) if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'value', None): if not self.args['value']=="\n": df = self.get_input_by_index(0).value if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'X', self.messages): if self.args['X'] not in df.columns: self.messages.append('Column '+self.args['X']+" is absent") if check_argument_exists(self.args, 'Y', self.messages): if self.args['Y'] not in df.columns: self.messages.append('Column '+self.args['Y']+" is absent") return len(self.messages) == 0


def perform_execution(self, ctx: ExecutionContext): from sklearn.metrics import classification_report, accuracy_score, f1_score try: df = self.get_input_by_index(0).value X = df[self.args['X']] Y = df[self.args['Y']] metrics = classification_report(X, Y, output_dict=True) metrics = pandas.DataFrame(metrics) metrics = metrics.transpose() metrics = metrics.reset_index() self.fill_outputs_by_type_with_value('data', metrics) self.status = BrickStatus.SUCCESS except: self.status = BrickStatus.FAILED

Output View

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